Launched Bridges (2-day course)

launched bridges (2-day class)

With extensive illustrations and case studies, Launched Bridges (2-day course, on-site, on-demand) provides exhaustive coverage of the design, construction, technology and industry trends of steel and prestressed-concrete bridges built by incremental launching. You will learn under which circumstances is bridge launching a competitive solution, will explore the other construction methods for medium-span steel and prestressed-concrete bridges, and will compare alternatives in preparation of successful value engineering sessions.

The course explains how to control self-weight bending and shear with launch noses, temporary piers and front cable-stayed systems, and provides exhaustive coverage of their design for optimized interaction with the deck. It discusses the Reduced Transfer Matrix method for parametric launch stress analysis with a spreadsheet, web stability and lateral torsion-flexure buckling of steel girders, and launch post-tensioning, deck segmentation and the organization of the casting facilities for prestressed-concrete bridges.

For both types of bridges, the course explores geometric launchability criteria, launch bearings and guides, thrust systems and how to control the movements of the deck in uphill and downhill launching. Richly illustrated with almost 300 photographs of case studies, the course is constantly top-rated for material and presentation.

The course delivers a unique wealth of knowledge, learning and insights extracted from three decades of design and construction of launched bridges and Dr. Rosignoli's three books on the topic. Integrated by the bestseller Bridge Construction Equipment (2013, ICE Publishing), the second edition of Bridge Launching (2014, ICE Publishing) and many eManuals of BridgeTech, the course provides exhaustive coverage of the topic.

Addressing the needs of bridge owners, designers and constructors, the course provides an exciting occasion for face-to-face interaction with other bridge professionals and participating in a true learning experience.

Day One:

  • Introduction
  • Launch of steel and PC bridges
  • Alternative construction methods
  • Geometry requirements
  • Launch bearings and guides
  • Thrust force and launch techniques

Day Two:

  • Control and correction of launch stresses
  • Analysis of launch stresses
  • Incremental launching of steel bridges
  • PC bridges: deck segmentation
  • PC bridges: casting stages
  • PC bridges: launch and integrative post-tensioning

For information on future ASCE courses, do not forget to sign up for the project’s Newsletter at the bottom of this page. To host a face-to-face course in your offices (a true learning experience to train your team in state-of-the-art bridge construction technology while meeting continuing education objectives), do not hesitate to contact us.