Precast Segmental Bridges (1-day course)

precast segmental bridges (1-day class)

This 8-hour course provides exhaustive coverage of span-by-span and balanced cantilever construction of precast segmental and macro-segmental bridges. With extensive illustrations and case studies, the course explores the geometric design of precast segmental bridges, the production of standardized atypical segments combined with geometry correction with typical segments match-cast in short-line molds, the geometry control of short- and long-line casting, and site assembly of precast segmental spans on shoring towers, by strand-jacking from barges, and with self-launching gantries.

For each family of self-launching gantries, Precast Segmental Bridges (1-day course, on-site, on-demand) explores loads, kinematics, performance, productivity, the stiffness interactions to consider for the design of bridge piers and superstructures, the progressive instability of tall bridge piers induced by front pendular legs, staged construction of simply-supported and continuous spans, and staged application of post-tensioning to avoid decompression of epoxy joints and the risk of brittle span failure.

You will learn under which circumstances is span-by-span construction of precast segmental bridges a competitive alternative to incremental launching and in-place casting with movable scaffolding systems (MSS), will explore bridge design and detailing for effective use of short-line casting cells, and will learn new solutions for balanced cantilever erection of adjacent bridges with side-shifting gantries and the full potential of macro-segmental construction.

The course delivers a unique wealth of knowledge, learning and insights extracted from three decades of design, design review, construction and forensic engineering of bridges, bridge construction machines, and their interactions. The bestseller Bridge Construction Equipment (2013, ICE Publishing) and the eManuals of BridgeTech integrate and enrich the course to provide exhaustive coverage of the topic.

Addressing the needs of bridge owners, designers and constructors, the course covers each stage of the design and construction of precast segmental and macro-segmental bridges and provides an exciting occasion for face-to-face interaction with other bridge professionals and participating in a true learning experience.

  • Introduction to mechanized bridge construction
  • Technology of segmental precasting
  • Span-by-span erection
  • Balanced cantilever erection
  • Macro-segmental construction

For information on future ASCE courses, do not forget to sign up for the project’s Newsletter at the bottom of this page. To host Dr. Rosignoli in your offices for a face-to-face course (a true learning experience to train your team in modern bridge design and construction technology while meeting continuing education objectives), do not hesitate to contact us.